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Worship Ministry

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." John 4:23 (NIV)

Jeremiah Stivers

Worship Ministry Leader

Under the direction of the Associate Minister: Worship & Small Groups, the Music / Worship Ministry provides inspirational worshipful experiences through Biblical preaching and teaching; praise; vocal, instrumental, and drama presentation; and technical accessories to lead people into communion with God.

Areas of Responsibility:

Adult Assembly:

  • Program effective ways to lead the worship service and use the talents and abilities of the congregation to bring praise to God. Also, to make every effort to make the worship relevant for both people who have known Christ for a long time and those who are introducing themselves for the first time.


  • Oversee the Deaf Ministry. Provide interpreters for the services.

Music / Choir / Drama:

  • Provide a variety of music styles from traditional to contemporary using choral, instrumental, soloists, congregational singing, etc. to bring praise and glory to the Lord. Portray Biblical and present day real-life situations to enhance Biblical preaching and teaching.


  • Coordinate with the Tech Ministry Team and operate effective use of amplification, lighting, video and audio presentation to intensify the presentation and message.

Special Services:

  • Coordinate the special services (Holidays) with the ministers. Plan the special activities for the day if needed.

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Ministry Description (PDF)

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